Thursday, October 20, 2022

My Top 5 Sources of News & Information


My Top 5 Sources of News & Information

Like most young adults today, I do not spend a lot of time watching the news. I have found most news reporting to be untrustworthy and biased. I believe a great deal of news sources are slanted to some degree and are motivated to report information based on some agenda. In a perfect world, all sides of a story would be communicated allowing the public to discern their own opinions. Watch or read most reporting from news sources today and it becomes painfully evident that their motivations are more targeted than simply reporting the story. Careful construction of headlines and targeted one-liners quickly showcase how twisted and often untrustworthy the media can be. When seeking news and information, I use the below sources all while recognizing those sources may be less than ideal and all fail to perfectly present the facts.  


Growing up in a very conservative home where Fox News played on the television most evenings, I have adapted and agree with my families’ views on most topics. I attempt to stay neutral on topics I have not yet formed an opinion on and seek to understand issues before rushing to an opinion. My position on most things comes from a Christian worldview leading to my more conservative views. I recognize there is a bigger game being played between our politicians, our government, and media sources making it more necessary to fact check and research the news and information of today. I do believe Fox News attempts to report stories and information accurately and fairly to the public. 


Perhaps not the most reliable source of information, YouTube News does make it possible to search top stories, click in on live broadcast stations, see sports news, world news, and technology news to name a few. Being exposed to a variety of information (although not always factual) makes me feel connected and in the loop of what is going on in my community and in the world. At the touch of my fingertips, I can instantly know the featured topics of today on a variety of subjects. The convenience factor with this news outlet makes it very popular to use. I mostly use this source on more of the lighter subjects and seek other avenues when researching serious topics. 


Rowing News online and in print is a news source of interest I follow. As an avid rower, this news source provides information about the sport I am very passionate about. Offering training tips, news, results, features, and new technologies, Rowing News is my go-to website and community for the latest rowing news. Because the wonderful world of rowing will forever be a part of who I am and what I do, this news source is pertinent. Following announcements made by USRowing (the governing body to rowing), reading personal stories of athletes, or researching how the United States performed at international competitions is important to me. There is no greater way to be inspired than to read the personal stories of amazing people who overcame great obstacles while pursuing their dream. This news outlet makes it possible for the rowing community to stay connected.




NPR (National Public Radio) online is a media organization that offers national and world news, podcast shows, and cultural information about books, music, food, and pop culture. I enjoy the simplicity of their website and the fact you can read quick reviews of television shows and can listen to interesting reports about a wide variety of topics. Usually, these stories are 3-8 minutes in length (perfect for walking between classes)and help keep me up to date about topics that appeal to me. The Morning Edition is the radio news portion of NPR that broadcasts in the morning hours and focuses on news stories, business, sports, and interviews.  


The Associated Press is an American news agency that attempts to present both the left and right side although recently reported as leaning more left. With the ability to search our national news, there are also world news, sports, business, entertainment, technology, and lifestyle categories. Offering so much information about a diverse range of topics, there is no shortage of information that can be gained from this news source. Whether learning about the mysterious breeding habits of aquarium fish or reading about the war in the Ukraine, one could certainly be up to speed about a great number of current events in no time. There is even AP radio which updates hourly and gives snippets of information that is current for today.



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