Sunday, November 27, 2022

Living in the Age of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as,"the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience." (Britannica, 2022) 

I for one take for granted the ease and commonplace of computers and their technologies are in our lives. Growing up in a time of convenience, where speakers in your home and car can answer questions, give information, and even set reminders, it is easy to understand all the positive aspects these technologies offer. Many of these make life easier and more efficient. But with such efficiencies come concerns. 

In the documentary, In the Age of AI, seen on Frontline PBS, the advantages and disadvantages  in changes AI brings is discussed. We know such intelligence brings faster, more efficient technologies and in this day in time when everyone wants information now, AI technologies play a huge role. I will begin by addressing key questions for consideration.

What are positive aspects of more and more complex artificial intelligence and machine learning? The positive aspects are that tasks that once took more time to complete can now be done instantly. Information that once took time to research is now available by voice commands. Want to know what the weather is two states over? No problem, just ask Siri. 

What did I learn after watching the documentary? I learned more than I really wanted to know or wanted to acknowledge because it really is disturbing. Technologies that we now enjoy in our cars, at home, and on our devices have made life easier in many regards but there is certainly a price to pay for this convenience. The documentary perfectly explained how such automation depletes jobs because machines can do the same work faster and without human intervention. This takes away jobs and opportunities from people. Unable to support their families and devoid of having a meaningful career some people could suffer from psychological problems like depression. People need a purpose and 'work' is one way purpose is given. Rise in unemployment occurs and especially within sectors that are predominately performed by women. This causes further inequality for an already marginalized group. There is no sector safe from this form of takeover.

With the replacement of jobs as we already see in automobile factories for example, comes a bigger moral issue. The film mentioned that AI is what drives inequality because it is a form of automation which is a substitution for capital for labor. Those at the top stay there while those at the bottom (our factory workers who are replaced) are now not able to compete and maintain employment resulting in decline in income. Does the convenience of all this automation come with a price? I believe the price is human existence. If you remove people from the equation, take away their jobs, take away their purpose, then we are left with a society operated by machines that are controlled by the elite. This doesn't sound much like a democracy does it?

There is no doubt that with any advancement there will be positive and negative outcomes. AI brings about significant good but if not kept in check or if used in the wrong way, it can be extremely dangerous. The film discusses the race between the two AI super powers China and the United States. The President
Xi Jinping, of China is fully embracing technology to lead China into the forefront globally. 
As the two superpowers diverge in their goals and ideas and especially since the trade wars have created animosity and don't promote a sharing of any ideas, then our nation may be headed into greater tensions with China and possibly other rival nations like Russia. 

Author, Kai-Fu-Lee of the book, AI Superpowers China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order, What I found surprising is that Lee believes AI has a lot of potential for fully liberating us from routine jobs and will encourage thinking in the next twenty years or worst case AI will be used for evil purposes by those in positions of authority. In the case of China where their own President was willing to re-write their own constitution for the purposes of making himself President for life. If a leader of a nation is willing to do that, you must ask yourself what else they may be willing to do? Is AI more suited for an authoritarian country than a democracy? 

I find it extremely frightening that such intelligence could end up in the wrong hands. In the hands of a country like China or Russia who may not place as much value on human life. The film discussed how in 2009, in the capital city the Urumqui riots occurred resulting in deaths, imprisonments, and even torture of its own people. China increased its AI surveillance of citizens under the guise of protecting the country from unrest and serving as a predictor of such behavior. Today there are barcodes on homes, and cameras on every corner. Companies like Megvii produce software technologies that have facial recognition capabilities, track automobiles, and even know who someone is by how they walk. This certainly brings up major privacy issues.

So what about privacy and are their pros and cons? I believe privacy is one of the biggest issues  that we should be concerned about. The mega technology companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, ATT, and Comcast can collect data about us. These companies collect data like what our preferences are, where we vacation, what we purchase, who we are friends with, what our routines are, and more. Are the smart appliances we purchase a good idea? Are listening devices truly helping us? When we use social media apps, our location and preferences are being tracked so that suggestions can be made but do we really benefit from such an interjection of suggestions? I know that the companies benefit but how much do humans actually benefit and is it taking away our own ability to seek out our own desires?

believe our government would state that AI promotes our national security but does it? The benefits could include superior technologies that could save lives. For example being able to predict mechanical failures in weapon platforms is a positive outcome of AI technologies. The downside could be a breach of security within such platforms that could be used against us. Hackers are prevalent and are always looking for areas of vulnerability that could be used to their benefit. As more and more data is gathered, the potential  for a problem is high. Risk of identity theft, fraud, account hacking, interruptions in services like power or water are real considerations. Although companies can better detect potential threats, it is the online cyber criminals (both domestic and foreign) that continue to develop more and more sophisticated technologies of their own. Unless there is a tight leash on the data, we as individuals and nation will be compromised. There are always going to be those who wish to do harm and getting ahead of such risk is necessary this day in time. 

In a recent research poll conducted by Pew Research looked at how Americans view global threats. In the chart below, the findings indicate that Americans are concerned about how infectious diseases are spread, how our relationship with Russia is and certainly growing concerns over the China/Russia relationship. The bulk of respondents definitely felt that cyberattacks from other countries were a major threat to the United States proving that the awareness of such threats is a real concern.

The biggest takeaway for me is that with such advances in technologies comes risk and those risks must be weighed for how much benefit they bring versus how much potential problem. Like most things in life, if there are not rules and regulations governing those technologies, it is only a matter of time before we could fall victim to those who wish to bring harm both on our home turf and abroad. Yes our privacy is under attack and our freedom of expression as well. If you look at China and how they are currently treating their citizens and how very little care is taken to ensure the protection of their human rights, we should be very alarmed and mindful of these realities. 

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