Saturday, December 3, 2022

{Extra} MSM During the Pandemic | Narrative & Accountability

In preparation for an upcoming assignment, I investigated what mainstream media (MSM) was this past week. Mainstream media is the major source of communication and describes large mass news sources found in print, TV, radio, but also news on the internet, podcasts, film, satellite radio, and social media. Mainstream media has both positive and negative affects on us but in the last few years, I believe the negative aspects far outweigh the positive. 

I believe there are many positive aspects to mainstream media and mostly because it does provide fast and easy access to information. But I believe this information comes at a huge cost and it was back during the pandemic of 2020 that these truths became apparent to me. As a graduating senior who was forced into lockdowns and mask wearing the last three months of high school, I had way too much time to watch the nightly news broadcast. Life forever changed during that time. I began keeping a video log of sorts and would snap a photo each night when Fox News would announce what day of lockdown we were on. Day 18 led to day 43 and eventually school was completely cancelled. Every report on every news channel was reported with fear and the unknown. It made no difference if you were tuned into CNN or FOX, every broadcasted news conference told the same story that we should be aware, we should stay home, we should distance, and we needed to trust those making the recommendations. It was that 5 letter word that is the problem ~ TRUST.

For months I did not see my grandfather for fear of spreading the virus. For months my only outlet was taking hikes in local parks with my parents, working out, and doing everything through zoom. For months you could not see a dentist, go to a nail salon, go out to eat, travel by plane, or even schedule a vacation. Businesses closed down, people lost their jobs, and the world began to feel very small. As a graduating senior who had no graduation at all, no huge party, and no senior trip, the effects were real. Second only to my devastating medical diagnosis a year earlier, the lockdowns took a toll on me and on everyone across the world. 

How much blame should be assigned to mainstream media for their part in all the drama that played out that year? Entire school systems shut down even though there was no medical reason to do so since young children were not major spreaders of the virus. The narrative then was that schools should remain closed. After a while parents began to openly speak out at school board meetings. Often parents who spoke their opinion were either removed or arrested. Why? Why would local school board meetings react so violently to someone expressing their opinion? People were singled out if they were not in support of mask mandates or if they spoke out against those in power. 

It was mainstream media sources that refused to listen to medical advice from professionals who spoke out against the agenda and narrative that was being promoted by those in charge. How many decisions were made during this time that centered around what those in leadership wanted versus what was truly good for the people? And if that isn't bad enough, that the most powerful people in the world (our elected officials) pushed such a narrative, the worse reality is that it was done so by mainstream media. Mainstream media was the deliverer of the information. I believe had media sources done their job and investigated, asked the obvious questions, and pushed for the government to listen to the medical opinions of those who understood the virus, our country and the world over would not have suffered. Why didn't the media hold those in power accountable? 

Now two years later, research is showing the decision to keep children home has had some devastating setbacks. Not only were kids behind in reading and math skills but unfortunately some have experienced social delays. Did we as a society not learn anything from those mandates, closures, and decisions? The media needs to hold those with power, those who make decisions over the lives of the people they are supposed to serve, to a higher standard. More importantly, mainstream media needs to hold themselves to a higher standard by reporting the whole story, the entire truth, and asking the tough questions.

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